Communication is fundamental to every child's future. Elklan strives to ensure that every adult in a child’s network can support their speech, language and communication development. The key to reaching more children is our renowned network of Elklan Tutors. Our tutors train teachers, teaching and learning support assistants, early years practitioners, parents and carers to build children's speech, language and communication skills.
By becoming an Elklan Tutor, your hard work will have a greater impact by improving the communication skills of more children, creating better support and brighter futures for all.
Becoming a Tutor starts with Elklan's Total Training Pack (TTP). Designed for busy professionals, our TTP course spans just four afternoons, plus some preparation, and is fully online. If you're a Speech and Language Therapist, Educational Psychologist, or Specialist Advisory Teacher operating across multiple settings, you are eligible to become an Elklan Tutor. Once you've completed your TTP, you will be licensed to deliver our courses, either face-to-face or online.
Complete one of the following TTPs for the course you would like to deliver. To deliver additional courses, all you need to do is purchase the teaching manual from the Elklan shop*.
* Tutors wishing to deliver one of the following courses must attend a further Training Pack:
We offer a Specialist Training Pack (STP), with training from highly-specialist SaLT Andrea Lee to become an Elklan AAC Tutor. This will enable you to deliver our accredited AAC course.
If you have completed one of our Total Training Packs and have a full Elklan Tutor licence, you can train to deliver our course Supporting Social, Emotional and Mental Health of Children and Young People.
If you have completed one of our Total Training Packs and have a full Elklan Tutor licence, you can train to deliver our course Supporting Gestalt Language Processing - a Total Communication Approach. Additional criteria also applies, see the GLP TP page for details.
Elklan has courses for parents too. These courses are called Let’s Talk. Full Elklan Tutors can deliver all our parent courses without further training.
Full Elklan Tutors can also deliver Let’s Talk Training Packs (LTTP) to practitioners. Those who have completed a Speech and Language Support course at Level 3 can attend an LTTP to become Let’s Talk Tutors and deliver Elklan courses to parents and carers
Teachers, TAs, and education practitioners can deliver Let‘s Talk courses to parents taking the impact of their work to the next level and into the home. To become Let’s Talk Tutors, practitioners complete the relevant Speech and Language Support course at Level 3 and then an LTTP.
Training education staff and parents ensures seamless, round-the-clock support for children's communication at school and home, which is especially vital for those with SLCN.
Practitioner completes SLS course
at Level 3
Join a corresponding LTTP
Support Parents