stand-alone e-learning session:

An Introduction to Neurodiversity

An Introduction to Neurodiversity

An Introduction to Neurodiversity

Neurodiversity is a term now widely adopted to describe those with differences in their processing, thinking and learning.

This session is ideal for those who work with children and young people with speech, language and communication needs and want to be more Neurodiversity aware. You may also want to complete this session if you are an advocate of adopting individualised support.

In this session you will engage in interactive practicals to help you consider Neurodiversity and then consider your next steps in embedding Neuro-affirming practice.

This session focuses on:

  • Understanding the term Neurodiversity
  • Learning how to use positive neuro-affirming language
  • Recognising the importance of mutual understanding of differences
  • Adopting a Total Communication Approach
  • Implementing neuro-affirming practice to meet individual communication needs

You do not need to have completed an Elklan accredited course in order to access this e-learning session.

This is a one-hour stand-alone session without a live Tutor webinar.

CPD e-learning session - An Introduction to Neurodiversity
Online Non-Accredited e-learning

£30 for 14 days' access