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Let's Talk with Special Children workbook sample image
Let's Talk with Special Children workbook sample image
Let's Talk with Special Children workbook sample image

Let's Talk with Special Children workbook

£15.00 plus postage

This practical book provides information about the development of the early stages of language and communication from the pre-intentional to the intentional communicator. It gives ‘Helpful Hints’ with ideas to promote communication from the point at which a child is succeeding and explains how interventions such as PECs, Intensive Interaction, Attention Autism and the use of symbols, signs, objects of reference etc. are beneficial for children at different steps on the journey towards being an intentional communicator.

Let’s Talk with Special Children is written for parents of children with severe communication difficulties or profound and multiple learning needs. It is also suitable for early years practitioners, teaching assistants and teachers wanting some key information and ideas.

The book has been used for eight years as part of a course but Elklan has been asked to make this resource more widely available to parents so that the book can be bought without having to attend any training.

The topics covered are:

  • Knowing the developmental stages towards intentional communication
  • Understanding how to help a child to play and explore their world to support the development of language
  • Encouraging appropriate adult-child interaction
  • Promoting the use of objects, pictures, signs and symbols
  • Helping to maximise a child’s ability to communicate

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