Mae’r llyfr newydd ac ymarferol hwn yn rhoi cyngor manwl a gweithgareddau i hybu siarad a gwrando babanod a phlant ifanc. Mae wedi ei ysgrifennu’n ofalus i gyd-fynd gyda’r EYFS a’r adolygiad dwy flynedd. Mae’n llawn gwybodaeth am ddatblygiad cyfathrebu, cerrig milltir datblygiadol nodweddiadol, amserlenni arsylwi i gefnogi eich asesiad, cynllunio a monitor cynnydd plant a syniadau syml, hwyliog sy’n hawdd eu gweithredu mewn sefyllfaoedd bob dydd.
Ymysg y pynciau dan sylw mae:
This new and practical book provides detailed advice and activities to promote the speaking and listening of babies and young children. It has been carefully written to tie in with the EYFS and the two year review. It is full of information about communication development, typical developmental milestones, observation schedules to support your assessment, planning and monitoring of children’s progress and simple, fun ideas which are easy to implement in everyday situations.
Amongst the topics covered are:
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